Sunday, February 16, 2025 – St. Charles, Illinois
33rd Annual BOPC Indoor swap meet and car corral. Co-sponsored by the Chicagoland Chapter, BCA.
From 8am to 2pm.
Venue: Kane County Fairgrounds, 525 S Randall Road, St Charles, Illinois.
Admission, $8. Indoor heated space, $45, if booked before 1/31/2025, afterwards $50. Large outdoor paved spaces available. Questions or vendor registration: Tony Melone, Ph.847-521-3130. (Before 9pm CT please).
Sunday, May 4, 2025 – St. Paul, Minnesota
The Gopher State Chapter, BCA hosts its 38th Spring Extravaganza Car Show and Swap Meet.
From 8am to 3pm.
Venue: Minnesota State Fair Grounds, Machinery Hill, St Paul, Minnesota, 55113.
Any year or make show vehicles and all Buicks are welcome. Trophies will be awarded in various categories. Day of show cost: $20 per vehicle, driver and one passenger. or like us on Facebook. Gopher State Buick Ph. 651-770-8096 for more details.
Sunday, May 4, 2025 – Natchez, Mississippi
“Buicks Among the Magnolias”. The Buick Driving Enthusiasts National Tour with driving tours to Vicksburg Military Park via the Natchez Trace Historic Mansion Tours, Frogmore Cotton Plantation, Delta Music Museum and much more. This event includes a silent auction evening, hospitality with, (optional) games, refreshments and “free-time” to explore and site see historic Natchez. Any BCA member may participate in one BDE tour before joining. Why not make it this one? Registration info: Bruce/Shar Kile BCA#3013. Ph. 678-662-6072. Email: or the BDE website:
Sunday, May 25, 2025 – Wantagh, New York
The 45th Annual Long Island Chapter All Buick and Opel Show.
This Year celebrating the 50th anniversary of being a chartered BCA Chapter.
Being held in the Wantagh, NY train station parking lot.
For GPS use: 3470 Park Ave, Wantagh, NY 11793
Gates open at 8am trophy’s at 1pm, Dash Plaques to the first 100 cars. Driver choice judging, New Trophy design. All show cars will be parked in order as they enter, NO CLASSES. Trophies for top 10 cars, Best of Show, and Spirit of Buick. Rain date June 8, 2025.
For info and day of show, Contact: Marty at 516-606-4620 or Marc at 516-205-1064 For more info, entrance fees, registration form and photos of prior shows, visit us at:
May 31, 2025 – Centralia, Washington
Pacific Northwest Region’s annual Pot Luck Picnic. 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Kitchen #1, Fort Borst Park. One block west of I-5 at Exit 82. Dry, heated indoor facility with tables, chairs, oven, stove, sinks, pots, pans, and plenty of parking. Bring a dish to share. Prepare it in the kitchen, warm it in the oven, or buy it at the Safeway supermarket next to park. No charge, no worries. Contact Jack Gerstkemper for more information 360-606-2870 or .
Wednesday, June 18 – Saturday, June 21, 2025 – Springfield, Illinois
The Riviera Owners Association will hold its annual meeting at the Northfield Inn. Everyone is welcomed to view the car show and shop vendors on Saturday at 9am to 2pm. Details posted on;
Saturday, August 16, 2025 – Flint, Michigan
The Buicktown Chapter will host “Buicks on the Bricks”, in collaboration with “Back to the Bricks. Vintage and newer model Buicks converge at 303 W. Water Street, the site of Factory One and Durant-Dort headquarters. Modified Buicks will be featured in 2025. Bob Starzyk, Director of the Modifies Division will co-ordinate the featured cars. If you have a Modified Buick which you would like to show, contact Bob, Ph.708-334-4848. We all love to see the cars with original factory specs, come see a lot of people who get creative! Keep checking the Buick Bugle for more information. Questions? Call, David Pettengill. Ph 810-280-9504 or email, or
Tuesday, August 19 – Friday, August 22, 2026 – Albany, New York
he Buick Club’s 2026 national meet will be held in Albany New York from Wednesday August 19th through Saturday August 22nd, 2026.